The Cost of Liver Transplant in India varies from Rs.12 Lac to Rs.30 Lac. The Cost of Liver Transplant depends on Hospital, Surgeon and many other factors and variables. Proper knowledge of the process of Liver Transplant can reduce this cost effectively. In addition, there is a recurring expenditure after transplant of around Rs. 20,000 pm for the first 4-6 months, Rs. 12-15,000 pm for the next 6 months and Rs. 8-12,000 pm thereafter. Some of the factors which increase the cost of Liver Transplant in India and China are:

During our consultation we provide information about different ways to Minimize the Cost of a Sucessful Liver Transplant.

In a liver transplant procedure/operation enormous resources are involved and consumed. It includes:

All these factors make a liver transplant one of the most expensive operations in the history of medical treatment.

The Cost of a Sucessful Liver Transplant. can be minimized by complete information about this process.
During our consultation we guide and educate the patient and family members and tell them all that is required for a Successful Liver Transplant at Minimum Cost.

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